20 years experience

Ontario Float
Fishing Lessons

Your Float Fishing and Centerpin Specialists.


Centerpin / Float Fishing Lessons

If you are here because you want to learn how to float fish or get better at float fishing rest assured you have found the best Centerpin/Float fishing guide in Ontario. We are the longest running Centerpin / Float fishing guide in Ontario and have over 30 years experience with float rods and Centerpin reels. We can teach you how to float fish on a 1 on 1 guide trip or with a partner during what we call a guided lesson.

All our guide trips focus on skills and improvement as well as catching fish, so if you already have experience with float fishing we can asses your skills while you fish and add guidance and tips where ever we see you might need improvement. Many anglers are surprised at how much they didn’t know until after they’ve spent the day on the water with us.

For more information the best Centerpin and Float fishing gear that we use and what we recommend that you might need check out our Centerpin page HERE . . . . .

Centerpin Lessons In Ontario

Centerpin Classes

Centerpin classes may be a first for any guide shop or any guide in Ontario but it’s not a first for us. In fact we were the first in Ontario to offer Centerpin/Float fishing classes and we’ve been teaching beginner classes that teach techniques and the finer points of Centerpin fishing to Ontario anglers for over 15 years.

Why we don’t offer classes anymore – Through experience we have determined that anglers learn far more in a day if it’s a individual lesson than they do in a class.

An individual lesson or lesson with 2 people means I get to spend more time teaching and coaching you. Larger classes mean the instructor has to spend equal time with each student and that means less instruction per individual and often not enough to get them proficient at it.

A 1 on 1 or small group of 2 is a better way for beginners and intermediate anglers to learn how to float fish effectively and dramatically increases their catch rate.

Same Price More Learning: We have decided to make less money in a day and make sure our students learn more. A 2 angler lesson is the same price per individual as where the classes price per individual. We just have 2 anglers instead of 6 or 8 so we make less money but you learn more.

Have you ever wondered why some anglers seem to catch a lot more fish then others? We know why, and we can show you how! We’ve been Centerpin fishing for almost 30 years, long before Centerpin fishing was even heard of by most river anglers in Ontario. Our experience with a float rod can help you become a better angler.

Bonus: Because I like to spend more time on technique and less time on teaching the set-up or knots and stuff, and because I often provide so much information that it’s often overwhelming, as a bonus I now offer a summary of all the things I normally covered during classes and guided lessons. This summary covers the set-up, proper methods including the tips and tricks for better presentation, and the gear and knots that I use and recommend. This way you have a reference that you can always go back to to refresh your memory.

Float Fishing Lessons in Ontario

We Cover:

  • The gear basics
  • The casts
  • The presentations methods that will produce way more fish
  • The best set ups for maximum results
  • Reading water tactics and fishing shallow or deep water
  • Timing and understanding the runs for more fish
  • Using the water level charts and my personal notes to help you decipher them better
  • Depth finding and float placement
  • Trotting, what is it and why will you catch way more fish when you perfect it
  • Most productive baits for all our migratory species
  • Shot patterns for different conditions
  • Controlling and fighting big fish better and landing them faster

*** all gear can be provided or use your own rod and reel.

Rates and Times.

Rates are the same as a guided trip and we can do centerpin  / float fishing lessons from October to early May.

See all our rates and all our trip packages.

Ontario river fishing lessons


Have you ever wanted to know what the guides know? Now you can!

Anglers ask me all the time about what rods and reels and other gear that I recommend, or they ask me about my best flies, or my best methods or even which rivers are good to fish. I build a website that cover’s all of that and more . . . . . You should checkout our sister site where I tell you exactly what gear you need and i give you free tips and tricks to help you catch more fish. Check out www.ontariotroutandsteelhead.com


Head Guide / Owner

MORE . . . . .

Get a whole lot more on updated information about Fly Fishing, Centerpin Fishing and Spin Fishing For Trout and Steelhead on my new Blog Website.