Best Ontario Trout Flies
A Private Page For Clients of A Perfect Drift
Custom Flies For Fly Tyers
Flies I recommend are below: these are the best Ontario trout flies that I have a lot of success with. If you need to get a custom fly tier to tie these flies for you give them this page link. Most of these flies are for nymphing and if that interests you check out our Nymphing Page for more information
- Polish pheasant tail nymph.
- Frenchie Nymph
- Lint fly – for grand river – See Similar Here
- Domi – gold and silver beads. – See Below
- Mcphail Caddis Pupae –
- APD caddis – See Below
- Rainbow warrior –
- crane fly larva – For Grand –
- Mayday Mayfly –
- BB Nymph – gold, black and silver bead. –
- Olive Jig Nymph.. better with brown body. –
These are some of my custom fly patterns that have been very successful and what I consider some of the best Ontario trout flies. Click on the picture for a larger view.
I may add new ones from time to time so check back. I’m hoping to add video tying instructions as well.
If you need materials go on-line HERE to or go to
If you need to get a custom fly tier to tie these flies for you DO NOT give them this page link, it’s private. Instead give them this link below.
It’s important to remember that it’s more important to present the fly properly than it is to the match the fly up to the hatch.
There is a saying I use and it’s true more times than not. ” A bad fly fished good, is better than a good fly fished bad”.
This means your fly can be perfect but if it drags through the water or is not in the strike zone it wont catch fish. I can tell you what the best Ontario trout flies are but if you don’t know how and where to use them you won’t do well which is why hiring a guide can be the most important investment in fly fishing that you can make..
Sometimes a bright shiny fly that looks nothing like the hatch that is going on is the one that catches the most fish. I believe fish are not very smart so when they see a shiny or weird object like your fly, they put it in their mouths to test it and see if it’s edible or not. If your bright and shiny fly is zipping through the pool poorly presented they won’t touch it but if it’s moving at a natural pace they may sample it.
“You’re flies don’t need to be perfect, but your presentation does”
The APD Caddis is one of my favorite flies for the Grand River and has been great on big Brown trout. Because it works on most rivers I consider it one of the best Ontario trout flies you can use on rivers with caddis, which is almost all rivers. I use this in sizes 16 through to size 20. I also use this fly with very good results with a black tungsten bead head and black body rib.
You could also try a silver or gold bead which has worked for me in
the past.
- Daiichi 1120 (strong), DOHIKU 644 HDG (barbless but not as strong in super small sizes)
- Bead: optional; Black Tungsten, silver or gold.
- Weight; if no bead I use 0.10 or 0.15 lead wire
under the body- but try to keep it a thin profile - Body: green thread or green floss coated in glue or UV resin
- Rib: Black or green thread or wire
- Wing: Black or charcoal raffia or Swiss straw or turkey biot- Could substitute
with black turkey feather or other feather but it can fray or split. - Legs: Uni Thread – Camel color. – this may also fray so I may add
a glue to the whole thread or to just the end. Adding glue to the
whole legs stiffens the legs so you get less action and movement.
Loon clear epoxy on the thread ends extends the life of the fly
because the thread can fray over time
Below is a Bead Head version of the APD Caddis – Size #16 hook #
18 hook works good to.
This is a very simple mayfly pattern that works great for any trout and even for steelhead and salmon. Even though it’s not an exact look-a-like it still gets their attention and resembles many aquatic insects like mayflies and stone flies. It get it’s name because it kicks a$$ on many days, and if you follow NHL hockey you will know what that means. Because most rivers in Ontario have mayflies I consider it one of the best Ontario trout flies you can use.
I have had big number days when using this fly with the silver bead but I’ve also done well with gold, bronze and black bead-heads. I use it in sizes from #12 to # 20.
This fly has been a great pattern on almost every Ontario river that I have used it on and it fished well in some states too.
I use it with gold or silver wire rib. The picture is the original version.
Hook: any straight or curved scud hook
Bead: Tungsten gold or silver
Weight: No lead wire, keep it thin
Tail: Brown saddle hackle feather
Body: Uni Thread – Camel color #6 or 8 – Covered with glue or UV resin for durability
Rib: thin gold or silver wire
Collar/legs: Hairs ear plus dubbing- Chocolate
I sometimes use different colors for the collar and have done well with purple as seen in the picture below but I have also done will with peacock ice dub, a lighter green dub, and brown ice dub.
APD CRANE LARVA FLY – A killer Grand River pattern for big browns
This fly has accounted for many big browns over 20 inches. In faster deeper water you may need to use some added lead or tungsten putty to get it down because it’s a skinny fly and with a size 18 it’s to hard to add enough weight on the hook. I consider it one of the best Ontario trout flies especially on rivers where aquatic crane flies live.
Hook: Daiichi 1530 #16 or #18
Rib: clear mono or brown, copper or black wire works.
Weight : 0.15 lead wire or lead tape
Body: cinnamon color hairs ear dubbing or something close.
Body: Alternative : a lighter color like yellow or tan dubbing can work because some materials darken to much when they get wet so test them out first before you tie up 50.
Thread : Brown UTC thread
The lint fly is an easy yet very productive fly for the Grand River and some other rivers, I have caught many large 20+ inch browns using this fly. It’s a fly that’s always around in the river and never hatches into a winged adult. Although this bug is not in large populations on many rivers it can work anywhere so I consider it one of the best Ontario trout flies.
The Hook: Any Jig or Standard hook #12 to #18 – Mostly size #16 for me
Thread: any color you want.. Use orange or pink for a hot spot
Bead: Silver or Gold Tungsten
Tail: Pink or Shrimp Ice Dub
Rib: Silver or Gold wire
Body : Light Green or yellow green dubbing
Collar / Legs: Natural or light tan Dubbing
The Pink Ass Fly was designed as an attractor pattern for smaller fish to keep my clients wives and kids happy. But, the first time I used it my clients wife hooked a beautiful 19″ brown trout in 12 inches of water along a log on her second cast of the day, actually her second cast with a fly rod ever! So much for the fly that was supposed to catch small fish. Since them I’ve caught lots of good fish on this fly on lots of different rivers so I consider it one of the best Ontario trout flies.
The Hook: Any Jig or Standard hook #12 to #18 – Mostly size #16 for me
Thread: any color you want.. Use orange or pink for a hot spot
Bead: Silver or Gold Tungsten
Tail: Pink or Shrimp Ice Dub
Rib: Silver or Gold wire
Body : Light Green or yellow green dubbing
Collar / Legs: Natural or light tan Dubbing
The MESS FLY – A Messy hairs ear nymph patter that is an easy tie but has been a good one for me on wild trout rivers for big and small trout. Make it as messy as you want because it is one of the best Ontario trout flies you can use on any river.
Hook: Dohiku wet 301 wet or Dohiku Jig – size 14 to 18
Thread: Pink
Bead: Black Tungsten
Body: dark or medium Hairs Ear Dubbing
Rib: Any wire you want; gold, brown, I used Dohiku tungsten wire on these flies
Tail: Coc DeLeon or any other feather you want
Hairs Ear Frenchie fly – This is just like the standard Frenchie but it uses hairs ear dubbing instead of Pheasant tail. The pheasant tail isn’t very durable so after a few fish and it could be torn apart but this fly is way more durable. I also use only orange or pink thread instead of orange dubbing for the hot spot. It’s easy and simple and it works. A great fly on wild and stocked brown trout waters and good for rainbows and brook trout to. Over the last 4 or 5 years i have my clients and myself have caught so many fish in this pattern that I would consider it the best Ontario trout flies you can use. It works great for steelhead to.
Hook: Size 16
Bead; Gold Tungsten – But I do well with silver and copper or when the fish don’t want something shinny I use a black bead.
Thread – Any Orange or pink or purple thread. Orange is my go to…
Tail – Coc De Leon or any hackle feather of choice
Rib – Small or extra small gold wire
Body – Chocolate hares ear or hares ear plus dubbing
The Best Fly Fishing Gear
Want to know whats in my vest and what gear I use and what I recommend to clients. GO HERE . . . .